The Modern Age for Food Stamps

Carlos Rodriguez
Published Jan 9, 2025

Before you head to the grocery store, if your first step isn't writing down your list or even gathering up your coupons, you might be a part of a group of people that calls the digits on the backs of their EBT cards to see how much money they can spend on food. Well, if you are this person, then you need to pay attention to this incredible new app.

The Fresh EBT is an innovative app that is free of cost, and it is perfect for checking your food stamp balance quickly and easily just by clicking. Here's how it works.

Moving to the Modern Age

Since almost 43 million Americans have been enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, food stamps are a popular way to purchase groceries for many Americans. If you are not currently enrolled in the program, you might eligible, and you should check your eligibility.

When the SNAP benefits are loaded each month into a benefits transfer card through electronic means, this debit card like the option is refilled by the government for your use. This card doesn't work exactly like a debit card, however, since learning how much is left on your balance each month isn't as easy as you think.

Jimmy Chen knew that it wasn't easy to check the balance, and since he has experience as an ex-product manager for Facebook, he knew a way to make it easier for people to check their balances. EBT cards will never be the same. With this idea in mind, Chen gathered a small group of people and created software that was easy to use. They put together something similar to the things that worked over at Facebook to bring a fresher feel to the normal EBT. When Fresh EBT, this incredible new app, launched, it gave EBT cardholders the opportunity to check their balance without having to jump through hoops.

When you are enrolled in the SNAP program, all you have to do is download the free app, create your account, load in your EBT number, and watch it work. Your balance is automatically updated each time you use your food stamps or when your card is loaded with more money. The only thing you have to do each time is open up the app and check your balance.

Instead of having to call the number on the back of your card each time you want to check your benefits, you can just use your new app. This app was launched in January of 2016, and since then, it has up to 900,000 members that check the app at least once a month if not more.

The Google Play store has shown the app has a 4.6 rating and as many as 8,000 reviews at least five stars. When it comes to the free finance apps, this app ranks among the ten most popular alongside other giants like Capital One, Venmo, and Bank of America. The App store doesn't have quite as high a rating, sitting at just four stars. Usually, the negative reviews are centered around issues like connectivity problems and access problems.

Saving Money

Fresh EBT doesn't just help people like you check your balance easily, but it is also loaded with a few features that might help you save money.

One of the biggest features is the nearby vendor map that shoes which grocery stores or farmers markets in your area accept EBT. There is also a feature that helps you see where you've spent the most money and where you have been getting the better deals.

The app also has access to several recipes for low-cost and high-nutrition options for your family through a cookbook author, Leanne Brown. EARN Starter, another interesting feature of the app, helps you earn money while you shop. For every $20 you save, you earn $10.

One other great feature of the EBT app, Fresh EBT, is the local resources feature. This feature lists various places that you can find more assistance should you need it. Most of the assistance comes from food pantries and other non-profit organizations.

The Fresh EBT app helps you with so much more than the balance on your SNAP card. This app is put in place to help you improve your financial health overall, and it seems that they are well on their way to helping hundreds of people just like you.

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